Animal Farm - Adapted by Peter Hall, Written by George Orwell, Directed by Gemma Dodds

Top Row L to R Isabel Davison, Stewart Dodds, Keely Rankin, Carole Mooney, Steve Rayner
Middle Row L to R Emrys Babb, Mike Wilson, Leon Kapitsoulidias, Anatasios Kapitsoulidias, James Plumpton, Cathy Bennett-Ryan, Lucy-Ann Jessop
Bottom Row L to R Alice Gibbett, Gemma Dodds, Amelia Steel, Shalei Cook, Grace Halton, Lisa February
This was Gemma Dodds' first main stage production as a director.  Gemma decided to choose a genre which is not generally seen on the main stage. It was nice to see something different being performed as well as having many youth theatre members involved in the production . The audience members received the play well and there were some really positive comments in the bar afterwards. Gemma is now looking forward to her next directing venture in our 75th anniversary year.